A wool rich Brintons carpet will create a truly luxurious floor covering. In a choice of wilton or axminster designs, you can create the look you have been dreaming of for your home. Brintons has become synonymous with iconic brand advertising for luxury carpets - creating beautiful designs that stand the test of time. This strategy is in plain evidence if you review the last few decades of Brintons Carpetsinnovative advertising, having previously worked with inspirational designers such as Vivienne Westwood and Manolo Blahnik.
At Brintons Carpets, they marry 230 years of carpet manufacturing expertise with one of man's oldest and most favoured materials, creating the most luxurious carpets that will look and feel good for years to come. The new campaign naturally celebrates design by embracing the seasons of nature. Combining patterns and plains in iconic imagery shows off the versatility and beauty of our ranges. Using models with body art meant that they blended seamlessly with the carpet emphasising the luxurious nature of wool rich carpets as opposed to other flooring alternatives. Having the carpet flow from and around the bodies showed how easy it is to work with and gave the images beauty and grace.The whole effect of the model, body art and costume construction results in truly iconic images that captivate your senses. Brintons Carpets have continued to invest in their brand. They believe it is essential that carpet is presented as fashionable and desirable. For the very best fitted prices call Kings on 0115 9455584 or email info@kingsinteriors.com